Top: Crossroads (Black Hart), jeans: Wet Seal, boots: Ross (I can't read the label because they're too tall ;] )
I was so excited to score this sweater at Crossroads. Actually I think it's supposed to be a dress, but I tucked it under... Anyway, I love the braid detail and the warm, comfy knit. I have a deep affinity for simple outfits with interesting details. I try to venture into more outrageous territory but I think I'm just not an outrageous girl.Posing was more awkward than usual on this chilly day (46 degrees and sunny, ah California). I had to set my camera on the car, which resulted in a crooked photo and me standing in a puddle. Oh well. My "good" camera shall be up and running as soon as Amazon ships me my new CF card, yay!
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