I've been pretty sick, and this is my first day off from work so I don't think I'll be getting out of bed or getting dressed today. I've really missed chictopia!

Luckily, I started reading a book called Steering By Starlight which is really helping me keep from wallowing in my own misery too much. It's a book about rediscovering and aligning yourself with your own values, goals and skills. I like that it is written by a woman and is much more intuitive and dreamy than the usual self-help books, which are often written like business strategies by and for men.
Take heart from the fact that the deepest part of you
- call it the awareness of the true self, or the Soul - 
always "remembers what it is meant to be and 
never stops trying to be what it is, no 
matter what happens to it."

I take this as a reminder that no matter how many times we are hurt or disappointed, by ourselves or others, there is a deep well of love, compassion and right action within us, patiently waiting for us to let it overflow again and bring good things into the world, by extension inviting these things back to us.

The "10,000 joys and sorrows" of daily living that Eastern wisdoms speak of will always be there, no matter how mindful and positive we are. The true benefit of practicing unconditional love and acceptance is not in eliminating sorrow, but in finding greater ways to experience joy.

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